- But, if you transfer that water use from agricultural use to urban use... use it in a hotel or a home?
Response: Text Video
- But if you just take in general a look at the fact that the water in the West -- it is a limited amount, yet we continue to build in the desert, we continue to build homes in the West?
Response: Text Video
- Well we're going to be getting to "that" eventually with the politics of water because even if Las Vegas -- if it becomes a political fight just between municipalities of San Diego and Los Angeles… it just becomes a bidding war and water becomes gold.?
Response: Text Video
- But the population demands will eventually use all of the Colorado River water as the populations grow. And like you said, overallocating all over the West, aren't they doing that with the ground water and the surface water. It's like a numbers game but we don't know exactly how much water is there?
Response: Text Video
- But how do you balance the environmental needs, the demands of the continued development and the fact that we don't know exactly how much water is down there in the water table?
Response: Text Video
- You make it sound as if there are more water to be used that we aren't quite using it all. But it seems to me like we are going to use every drop and then what are we going to do?
Response: Text Video
- It seems to me that something is going to have to change, something is going to have to give in a way that we allocate the water in order to use the water. What do you see that we will have to do to be able to make the water last to continue to development?
Response: Text Video
- Do you think we are going to have to look at alternative water sources such as the experiments being conducted in Tucson?
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- What do you see -- them having to eventually put more moratoriums up? We are just going to have to just stop building? They don't think we are going to run out of water -- they say TMWA and these studies show that there is more water there.
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- Do you think Washoe citizens have bought into environment concerns at the expense of development?
Response: Text Video
- And you don't see the limits?
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- And in Vegas they're going to have the money...and they are politically strong and can fight for it.
Response: Text Video
- So, we are going to have to look to the Middle East for answers?
Response: Text Video