Estella Zamora
President, Idaho Human Rights Commission
I am a very emotional person and when I speak I try to speak from my heart and the discussion this evening has been just overwhelming for me and somewhat painful. I am concerned with some of the comments about "let's not talk about that" or "we don't want to touch that" or "we don't want to go there." I am really concerned that there are some issues in your community that may get swept under the rug and not brought forth, and I feel like if we don't deal with the issues that are the concerns of the community, then we are not going to get where you need to be or where you want to be. I just felt like that when Liliam said, "Let's not talk about immigration," and "as far as the English language, let's not push that or the Spanish language." I am glad that we can come together and we can talk about issues. It is very important, and one of the things that I work for in my community is trying to bring people together, to bring issues to the forefront. We may agree on some issues, we may not agree on others and that's fine. We all have the same goals, we all want to move forward, we all have an idea of where our communities need to be and working together, we will get there.