Carmina Oaks
Executive Director, Latino Resource Center, Jackson, WY
I feel very fortunate to be in Jackson because I have seen tensions and I have lived through that, but this town has embraced the Latino population very, very well. And I am really happy because I have been working with them and I have been growing with the town. When I got there, maybe we were like 90 people or 100, and now it's up to 2300 more or less. But all these families have been mostly treated very nicely. I mean people need them very badly, because it is a tourist town so they need that input; they need the workers and they've been really catering to them. They are helping them; they are trying to get legal visas for them. Before they didn't even know or they didn't acknowledge the fact that they came illegally, and now both of them are trying to do something to get everybody legal. So it is very satisfying to see that this community is very well educated so they jump on the wagon right away and they start getting programs. Most of the non-profit agencies are starting to get together; they have an umbrella program to more or less bring over all the problems of the Mexicans.