Jesse Gutierrez
Executive Director, Nevada Hispanic Services, Inc
I want to echo everybody in thanking those who brought this forum together. I also think it's important for groups like ours that are trying to do something to help the Latino community, there's still a lot more work. The future is our children. We are now on the verge of starting a dual-language emergent charter school in Reno, Nevada that will be a first of its kind, 1st through 6th grade. We were also able to bring a big Cinco de Mayo celebration to downtown Reno, to bring cultura, culture, to the rest of the community. You improve one part of the community, you improve the entire community, and you bring it together. Yes, it may be a struggle, it might be hard work, but if we don't bring those kids up thinking right, doing the right things, by us giving them those examples, then we'll have a harder time. We've got some groups going on right now bringing cultura to the community, bringing education to the community, bringing those kids dual-language, showing them how to speak and be a part of both languages. Then everything will be a little bit better.