Josefina Estrada
Human Resources Administrator, KNPB-TV
I wanted to mention one other thing that I think is also very difficult for us to talk about, and that is the fact that in the past we have all been encouraged to assimilate, and in that struggle and race to assimilate to the American culture, we forget that we were once immigrants too, that our parents came possibly from another country. Instead of mentoring those Latin American young women, like I was when I was young and like the young lady who was here, we walk over them, we forget about them. I think that is an issue that is constantly being put down and swept under the rug like you were saying, so I appreciate your comments. I wanted to mention, too, though, that even though the African-Americans have struggled for equality, and the Mexican-Americans too, let's not forget the Native Americans and the Asian-Americans who have also struggled. Native Americans were here already, and yet they're struggling for equal rights as well. A perfect world for me would be where there are no differences. Mexicanos are part Native American. Of course we do have that European, but sometimes we tend to show more pride towards that European blood than towards our Native American heritage. I consider myself both, and therefore I was born bilingual. I will always be bilingual. And my children will struggle to be bilingual because they're growing up here in America. But I do think that two languages are important because it continues your awareness of who you are, where you came from, your family. For Latin Americans, Mexicans especially because I know my culture, familia, family, is very important. For me one of the most important things is helping my parents who were unable to finish their education in Mexico because they had to work. It is my turn now to care for them and to look out for their future. My parents did not understand the idea of saving for retirement. I understand it and can share it with them. That is something that is so unique possibly that we can share and integrate into the American culture - respect for the elders and taking care of our families.