Father José de Jesús Camacho
Priest and Director of Prison Ministry for the Roman Catholic Diocese of Idaho
First of all, I agree that this is a wonderful dialogue. Something I've learned from this country, from the very beginning, was to be practical and realistic. So my question is, why cannot we get along? Anyway, we will stay here. And we come here to stay, not [just] laying on the ground, working. People who are here now in the schools need to be qualified workers for this country. It is for our own benefit. We are not requesting favors. No, favors cost too much. We are just requesting the opportunity to grow together, to get along. So what is technology without human affection? One more way to become slaves. The new slavery. If we get along, we all are free to live, to eat, to change, to grow together. If we do this in two or three languages, mucho mejor, much better. So congratulations for this kind of opportunity to interchange views. My message for Idaho, Wyoming, and Nevada is that persons are more important than ideas. Persons are more important than business, sorry. Persons are the most important resource any country has.