Father José de Jesús Camacho
Priest and Director of Prison Ministry for the Roman Catholic Diocese of Idaho
I would like to say something from a different perspective. We are talking about immigrants coming in to the United States and having nothing, just needs or problems, and it's not true. It's not fair; it's not intelligent, either. Each generation of Hispanics have their presence felt here from Saint Augustine in Florida, Santa Fe, San Francisco, San Jose, Nevada, Montana and up to the current generation. We have filled the mouths of Americans with salsa and salsa (dancing) so it's not just money, it's not the only way to make people valuable. What about life? We Hispanics know how to live life, how to be happy with two or three dollars. Some people need to go to the psychologists in order to relax, to pay money for that. Just invite them to our parties, to our fiestas, and they don't pay anything and they will be ready to work. So let us talk about intercambio, exchange, a different kind of richness. I will give you what you lack, for example dollars, and we will give you what we have: happiness, how to live.