Patrick Tyrell
Wyoming State Engineer

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  • What does the state engineer of Wyoming do?

Response: Text     Video

  • Please locate Wyoming geographically for us, by describing its position atop a number of watersheds.

Response: Text     Video

  • Given this seemingly ideal water location, what does this mean for the state in terms of water storage, i.e. the state's ability to build dams?

Response: Text     Video

  • What about prior appropriations rights?

Response: Text     Video

  • Do compacts with other states govern the amount you can use?

Response: Text     Video

  • Is building more storage a good way to enhance instream flow in the state?

Response: Text     Video

  • Now let's talk about the instream flow statute. What do you mean by the phrase instream flow?

Response: Text     Video

  • Tell us why and how the bill passed and what it provides for.

Response: Text     Video

  • Please mention any specific limitations the statute may have.

Response: Text     Video

  • What in your view is the instream flow movement in the western states?

Response: Text     Video

  • Do you think it derives from any shifting societal demands?

Response: Text     Video

  • Does it relate to the economy?

Response: Text     Video

  • For the past 16 years, can you quantify how many stream segments are in which stages of adjudication?

Response: Text     Video

  • Is this a satisfactory pace?

Response: Text     Video

  • It appears that there is an emerging instream flow discipline, with definitions that more and more want to include stream function, the health of the fishery, etc. Can you talk about that movement or trend and say whether or not Wyoming's law can incorporate emerging demands?

Response: Text     Video

  • Are you under pressure from conservation and angler quarters to do more in the way of increasing instream flow adjudications?

Response: Text     Video

  • Is there sufficient public involvement in this issue? Do budgetary and staff restraints prevent you from fully involving the public?

Response: Text     Video

  • Do you see the public really trying to be involved?

Response: Text     Video

  • Please explain what Pinedale wanted to do with their stored water in Fremont Lake.

Response: Text     Video

  • Why did the Board of Control deny the town's request?

Response: Text     Video

  • Do you think this situation can eventually be resolved?

Response: Text     Video

  • Additional comments about instream flow rights?

Response: Text     Video

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