Draining The West? Lesson Plans
  • Tribal Water Rights and the Law

    In this lesson, students will write a persuasive essay regarding Native Americans and reserved water rights. They will use the video segments and text provided, and other materials as needed to make their argument.

  • The New Currency - Water

    In the West, Water is a "hot" topic. With the increasing population and current weather patterns, water users in the West are facing some hard decisions on water and its usage. What can be done now to stave off shortages in the future? This lesson plan helps students develop an awareness of the need to develop responsible water usage habits.

  • Instream Flow - How Does It Affect You?

    There are many demands placed on our river systems today. Rivers are essential and provide valuable resources: water for drinking; domestic use; agricultural irrigation; manufacturing plants; habitat for plants and animals; transportation; energy; and recreation. To insure that rivers and their waters have adequate flows and are available to everybody, many states have passed instream flow legislation. This lesson plan helps students familiarize themselves with instream flow and allows them to look at the issues and viewpoints of stakeholders.

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